Née un mardi 27 sous le signe du scorpion il y a 24 ans, on m'a imprimé le nom Lilith (prononcé Lalaïsse) sur le bracelet que j'avais au poignet. Je n'échappe depuis lors jamais à la question du pourquoi ce prénom. Je n'aime jamais réellement expliquer qui est Lilith dans la mythologie. Il se dit qu'elle serait la première femme d'Adam avant Eve, malheureusement cela n'est qu'une partie de l'histoire qui entoure ce prénom. Si vous désirez vraiment savoir ce qu'il enferme comme histoire, google est votre ami.
Prise rapidement de passion pour l'écriture, le français fut ma matière favorite à l'école. A l'âge de 12 ans j'ai commencé à m'intéresser à la photographie. A l'époque nous n'avions pas toute cette technologie permettant de photographier en un clic à l'aide d'un smartphone et le coût d'un appareil photo n'était pas à la portée de tout le monde.
J'ai malgré tout continué pendant de nombreuses années à m'y intéresser. Commençant mes premiers essais avec un appareil compact. Ça à l'air de rien aujourd'hui mais à l'époque c'était déjà quelque chose de génial pour nous.
C'est seulement à l'âge de 16 ans que j'ai décidé d'arrêter mes études de secrétariat afin de vraiment me vouer entièrement à la photographie. C'est à l'aide d'un professeur passionné que j'ai pu avoir mon diplôme avec fierté.
En dehors de la photographie, j'apporte un intérêt particulier à la cuisine, la mode et le design.
C'est d'ailleurs ces intérêts qui m'ont poussés à créer ce blog. Il consiste à partager avec vous mes recettes illustrées par mes propres photos. Mais également à vous faire rêver comme je le fais chaque jour à travers mes nombreux voyages.
Depuis 2015 nous avons voyagé à travers 11 pays différents avec mon compagnon. Avec les années qui passent, je me rends compte à quel point la vie est courte et je ne veux avoir aucun regret. C'est ce qui me pousse à épargner tout mon argent dans la découverte, la découverte de ce vaste monde qui à tant à nous offrir! L'argent est souvent un frein à nos rêves de voyages, mais je vais vous expliquer pas à pas comment j'ai fait, partant d'une famille très modeste, pour réaliser plusieurs de mes rêves!
J'espère pouvoir grâce à ce blog, vous donner l'envie, le courage, de voyager. Le meilleur des enrichissements.
Je vous dis à très vite pour de gourmandes aventures.
English version:
Born one Tuesday 27 under the sign of scorpio 24 years ago, they printed me the name Lilith on the bracelet which I wore on the wrist. I never escape the question of why this name. I never really like to explain who Lilith is in mythology. It is said that she would be the first wife of Adam before Eve, unfortunately, this is only one part of the story that surrounds this name. If you really want to know what is the real story, google is your friend.
Quickly taking a passion for writing, French was my favorite subject at school. When I was 12, I started to have a big interest for photography. At that time, we didn't have all this technology allowing to photograph in one click with Smartphone like now and the cost of the cameras wasn't cheap enought for everybody..
Nevertheless, I've continued to interest myself to it. Starting my first tests with a compact camera. It looks like nothing today but at this time it was already something great for us.
It was only at the age of 16 that I decided to stop my secretarial studies to devote myself entirely to photography. It was with the help of a passionate teacher that I could have my degree with pride.
Apart the photography, I am particularly interested by cooking, fashion and design.
It's these interests that pushed me to create this blog. It consists of sharing with you my recipes illustrated by my own photos. But also to make you dream like I do every day through my many travels.
Since 2015 we have traveled through 11 differents countries with my boyfriend. After every years, I realize how short the life is and I don't want to have any regrets. This is what drives me to save all my money in the discovery, the discovery of this vast world who has so much to offer us! Money is often a problem on our travel dreams, but I will explain step by step how I did, starting from a modest family, to carry out several of my dreams.
I hope to be able through this blog, give you the desire, the courage, to travel. This is the best enrichment.
See you soon for gourmands adventures.
English version:
Born one Tuesday 27 under the sign of scorpio 24 years ago, they printed me the name Lilith on the bracelet which I wore on the wrist. I never escape the question of why this name. I never really like to explain who Lilith is in mythology. It is said that she would be the first wife of Adam before Eve, unfortunately, this is only one part of the story that surrounds this name. If you really want to know what is the real story, google is your friend.
Quickly taking a passion for writing, French was my favorite subject at school. When I was 12, I started to have a big interest for photography. At that time, we didn't have all this technology allowing to photograph in one click with Smartphone like now and the cost of the cameras wasn't cheap enought for everybody..
Nevertheless, I've continued to interest myself to it. Starting my first tests with a compact camera. It looks like nothing today but at this time it was already something great for us.
It was only at the age of 16 that I decided to stop my secretarial studies to devote myself entirely to photography. It was with the help of a passionate teacher that I could have my degree with pride.
Apart the photography, I am particularly interested by cooking, fashion and design.
It's these interests that pushed me to create this blog. It consists of sharing with you my recipes illustrated by my own photos. But also to make you dream like I do every day through my many travels.
Since 2015 we have traveled through 11 differents countries with my boyfriend. After every years, I realize how short the life is and I don't want to have any regrets. This is what drives me to save all my money in the discovery, the discovery of this vast world who has so much to offer us! Money is often a problem on our travel dreams, but I will explain step by step how I did, starting from a modest family, to carry out several of my dreams.
I hope to be able through this blog, give you the desire, the courage, to travel. This is the best enrichment.
See you soon for gourmands adventures.
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